Photo Albums
New York City Alumni came out for a Black History Month Networking event hosted by Tiffani Scott (Brown '98) and co-sponsored with Brown's IPC.
Check out photos from Houston's Black Ivy League get-together hosted by Veta Byrd (Yale Law School '99) & Kourtney James (Harvard College '02).
Our annual Bridging the Gap Student Holiday Mixer was a great success once again in spite of the snow! Hosted by Malla Haridat (Columbia '97) and co-sponsored by ABPA, BAC, IPC NY and BADA. Photos by Damion Edwards Photography.
Were you at the Black Ivy Alumni League reception with JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon? We were! Catch a glimpse of the event in these photos by photographer Russell Malbrough (Brown ‘99).
Reminisce with a few oldies but goodies: the NY Pan-Ivy National Conference Afterparty, the NY Scotch Tasting, Los Angeles Mixer, Chicago's Inaugural Mixer, the Atlanta Mixer and New Directions in Community Development with keynote by Cory Booker. Visit our Photo Albums.
3/3/2007 - Scholars convene for 'Black Men in America' conference, on March
3 More in the Princeton section of our News Highlights
2/15/2007 - Study Finds That Nearly Half of Black Students in the Ivy League Are Recent Immigrants
More in the Ivy League News section of our News Highlights
Hurricane Relief Efforts We encourage every member of our alumni community to give back in whatever way you can to help those individuals and families affected by these disasters to rebuild their lives. Please visit our list of relief resources.
10/18/2006 - Brown Releases Slavery and Justice Committee Report
More in the Brown section of our News Highlights
9/18/2006 - Princeton establishes new Center for African American Studies
More in the Princeton section of our News Highlights
3/23/2006 - University of Pennsylvania Will Replace Loans With Grants for
Students of Families Earning Less Than $50,000
More in the UPenn section of our News Highlights
3/13/2006 - Princeton's joint admission-alumni effort targets
socioeconomic diversity
More in the Princeton section of our News Highlights
11/15/2005 - Yale University will change the way it does searches and enhance mentoring for junior faculty members in an effort to spread diversity. More in the Yale section of our News Highlights.
9/15/2005 - Obama urges alumni to help fight poverty More in the Harvard section of our News Highlights.