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September 18, 2024
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Launched & Managed by Richard Desarmes (Columbia GSB '04)

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BUILD - Black Ivy League Undergraduate Listserv and Discussion Board

Join BUILD Today!

In conjunction with The Black Ivy Alumni League (The League), BUILD intends to create a community of students who will become active alumni and members of The League.

BUILD's mission is to connect current undergraduates to a social, academic, and professional online network, and transmit information concerning:

  • Campus events, specifically those relevant to the African Diaspora and the Ivy League
  • Educational and professional opportunities, such as study abroad programs, internships, and summer experiences
  • National and local reflection on social, economic and political issues

Recognizing that each school has its own distinct character, the goal of BUILD is to incorporate these unique qualities first into an online community and with time into an organization of support.

To Join the BUILD discussion group...

  1. Send an email to
  2. Complete the membership directory:
  3. Sign on and join the discussion.
  4. Spread the word!

The benefits of BUILD are exponential. This is an opportunity to share information, resources and experiences with your peers on all eight Ivy campuses. Much of success is rooted in having a credible and diverse network, BUILD is helping you lay the foundation now by joining the listserv and inviting your friends to do the same. In the end, you all benefit and leave a campus legacy - allowing the next class to be a part of a formidable and established community.

The League is thrilled to support BUILD and its student leaders. Sasha-Mae Eccleston, Lilla Fisher, and Dwight Vidale of Brown University are leading this historic initiative with the support of many student liaisons at each Ivy League institution. Given the repeated and recent wave of racial incidents occurring on many Ivy League campuses, the supposed home of the most educated and elite of our society, it is clear there is a real need for our presence. We look forward to working together in the near and distant future. Your efforts renew our motivation.


Brown (IPC) | Columbia | Cornell (CBAA) | Dartmouth (BADA)
Harvard | Princeton (ABPA) | UPENN (BAS) | Yale (YBAA) & (YBAN)

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