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September 18, 2024
Main Mission History Organization Contact

Upcoming BIAL Events

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Connect on LinkedIn with Black Ivy League alumni.

Launched & Managed by Richard Desarmes (Columbia GSB '04)

Subscribe to The League Digest

Monthly news from Black Ivy League Alumni.

Submit your alumni information to subscribe.

Subscribe to The Black Ivy Alumni League Listserve & The League Digest

Thank you for your interest in The Black Ivy Alumni League Listserve & Digest!

To join our listserv and receive the monthly Digest please complete the survey below. Please fill in all required fields (marked with an *) before submitting to avoid an error.

* School(s) Attended:
(please give name of person, Web site or email list)
* Have you attended any League events?:
  Email Format
  Are you interested in volunteering with The League?

Volunteering with the League assumes a committment of at least 3 hours per month, and ensures a great opportunity to build relationships with Black Ivy alumni:

  • Work with a team to coordinate our New York City metro area professional networking events. Involves specific tasks within speakers, venue, advertising, refreshments or registration/sign-ins. Committment is 3-4 hours per event.

  • Identify and connect with dynamic alumni from around the world to honor on our Web site. Work with Spotlights to collect information that is to be displayed on the site. Committment is 1-2 hours per week.

  • Help develop, coordinate and execute 3-4 core events (and additional ad hoc events as determined) as well as work on budget planning, marketing and overall project management. Support the mission of The League and foster events for black alumni to fellowship, network and support one another. Commitment is 4-6 hours when planning / executing an event and 1-3 hours otherwise during the month.

  • Do you live outside the NY metro area and wish there was a more active network of black alumni professionals you could be a part of? Are you a dynamic leader with great event planning and networking skills? Lead an effort to build and bridge the Black Ivy Alumni network in your city! Committment is 10 hours to start up, then 3-4 hours per event.

  • Become a part of the team of people who will help Liaison Leaders launch events in your city! Committment is 3-4 hours per event.

  • Please use the comments field below to tell us how you'd like to volunteer!

to avoid an error, please be sure that all required fields
(marked with an *) are filled in before sumbitting


Brown (IPC) | Columbia | Cornell (CBAA) | Dartmouth (BADA)
Harvard | Princeton (ABPA) | UPENN (BAS) | Yale (YBAA) & (YBAN)

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